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White Plants by Common Name where Weed includes Yes

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sacred datura, angel's trumpet (Datura innoxia)
angel's trumpet
Scientific Name Datura innoxia
Family Potato
Flower Color White
Plant Type Forb
Native Yes
Weed Yes
sweet woodruf, bedstraw (Galium boreale)
Scientific Name Galium boreale
Family Madder
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall and many locations
Weed Yes
hairy night shade (Solanum sarrachoides)hairy night shade
Scientific Name Solanum sarrachoides
Family Potato
Flower Color White
Plant Type Forb
Short Description There berries are Green, brown, and yellow when matured.
Introduced Yes
Native No
Weed Yes
Jagged Chickweed (Holosteum umbellatum)jagged chickweed
Scientific Name Holosteum umbellatum
Family Pink
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Native No
Weed Yes
Queen Anne's lace, Wild Carrot (Daucus carota)Queen Anne's lace
Scientific Name Daucus carota
Family Parsley
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Weed Yes
sacred datura, angel's trumpet (Datura innoxia)
sacred datura
Scientific Name Datura innoxia
Family Potato
Flower Color White
Plant Type Forb
Native Yes
Weed Yes
shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris)shepherd's purse
Scientific Name Capsella bursa-pastoris
Family Mustard
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Flat, triangular pods are all along a fine stalk. Leaves are pinnatifid. The plant forms a rosette.
Location McCall
Native No
Weed Yes
sweet woodruf, bedstraw (Galium boreale)
sweet woodruf
Scientific Name Galium boreale
Family Madder
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall and many locations
Weed Yes
white sweetclover (Melilotus alba)
white sweetclover
Scientific Name Melilotus alba
Family Legume or Pea
Flower Color White
Plant Type Forb
Introduced Yes
Native No
Weed Yes
Queen Anne's lace, Wild Carrot (Daucus carota)wild carrot
Scientific Name Daucus carota
Family Parsley
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Weed Yes